Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dear Mr. Universe...

I decided that the most appropriate way for me to “celebrate” Valentines Day was to finally write back to Mr. Carl and set up the cocoa date. You guys already know that I’m not really wanting to do this, but I said I’d do all the stuff and this is one of the stuffs and so I’ll do it.

Except that I won’t. Because Mr. Carl apparently thought that the most appropriate way for him to “celebrate” February 6th was to close our match. And this was a huge surprise to me, because why the heck would he not want to continue to send me emails that he could then wait weeks and weeks to hear back on? Who would find this not fun? Some stupid HUMAN guy, that’s who! So screw him and his stupid desire for respectful responses and stuff. WHAT. EVER.


Right, so there’s no cocoa date to set up. I took some time to mourn the opportunity (and about 20 minutes to feel honestly relieved that I didn’t have to go meet this person, and about 5 minutes imagining that he found some super-wanting person who was looking for a guy who would call her all the time and want to know about her every move and around 3 minutes eating Valentines candy and 27 seconds sucking chocolate off my fingers.) and then I jumped online and pushed on.

But I still had to find an appropriate way to “celebrate” Valentines Day.

Right then I’m hearing the voice of one of my favorite work friends in my head. She reminds me of the me I probably could have been if I’d been more something earlier on, ya know? Anyway, to my surprise about a year ago she announced that she was engaged, AND that she met Mr. Right on Emelody. If someone had asked me to list 5 things I never thought that my work chum (who I will call Xena) would be caught doing they would be 1) crack cocaine, 2) sock darning, 3) mailing anthrax, 4) making local porn and 5) online dating (not necessarily in that order).

When I pinned her down and asked her what was the deal she told me that she decided that she needed to do something to show the universe that she was committed to this “wove” thing. And these were the words tobogganing through my brain as I sat on the Royal couch (while babysitting the princesses). And with that encouragement I send questions to both of the new matches that Emelody had just sent me (even though one is pictureless and the other is too old, too far away and too into fishing). But I didn’t stop there – I then went to (just think about it) and I winked at about 6 different guys who were cute and not any of my deal breakers (religious, married, republican, eaters of babies, watchers of reality tv).

I have officially sent word to the universe. I will expect a prompt reply in the form of a hot, single rockstar/photographer from Australia…

Still waiting…

still waiting…

still waiting…

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