Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Super-Dork gets Knolledge!

I'm sure I've covered this at least a little bit, but I don't like math. Math is hard, and math makes me sad and makes my brain hurt.

Right now there is all of this commotion over the economy and how it's bad. Really bad. "Please kill me" bad. In a sh*tstorm of completely and utter badness, now with more "holy crap, this is just so incredibly bad!!" I understand the news (ok, not so much the "news" as Jon Stewart. But still, it's kind of like the news. and also shut up.) enough to get that things are bad, and that the badness involves credit and banks and such things. But in all honesty (and I can be honest with you guys -- if you were going to judge me here the ship would have MORE than sailed already, so...) I haven't really understood it all.

Like, for instance, I keep thinking to myself "so I know that the U.S. no longer has money, and neither does big chunks of Europe, or Canada, or definitely not Iceland. But then where IS all the money that everybody used to had? Did someone burgle us? Couldn't we just go to the land of the burglers and get our stuff back? And while we're there couldn't we punch them super-hard in the shoulder? Anyone? Anyone?"

Oh, and lest you feel the need to point it out, I already know that to ask these questions out loud would have been the equivalent of painting "massive dork!" on my forehead. So instead I just published it. On the world wide web. Where folks can't judge me. (Hmmm, got a smudge on my cape...)

Today someone at work sent me the video below. And NOW. I. GET. IT! This video is the way that everyone should be explaining it! This video is just simple enough for me, but just clever and pithy enough for people who already get it to still be entertained!

Please to enjoy this video and finally understand how the hell we got where we are. When you're done I'm organizing a trip to go visit all the Mortgage Lenders who arranged for the sub-prime loans. So we can punch them super hard in the shoulder head face sexy good-time parts.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

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