Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Deal Breakers...

last time I was being all wise about how I know that the people I'm going to meet online will have their own baggage or challenges or whatever. And for the most part I'm OK with that. But obviously I'm gonna have some things I cannot deal with.

There's this other blog I like to read called Dooce (find the link over on the left. But don't click it yet! I still have wise things to say! It will be there when I'm done.) and she had this post once referring to a book w/ ideas of things to write in one's blog. The example that Dooce tried was this:

“What are your relationship deal breakers? Some folks are annoyed if a date shows up ten minutes late. Others look for something weightier, like a felony record. Have you ever rejected someone over something that seems insignificant to your friends? Or do you have selective blindness for red flags?”

She then proceeded to get just short of 400 comments about people's deal breakers! What I learned from this list is that I don't have to mention the obvious ones here, such as rapist, murderer, alcoholic, abuser, etc... These go without saying, although I so wanted to go out and add my comment and say them anyway. So with that caveat already out there I bring you my deal-breakers:
  1. Smokers. There's just no way. I don't even know how they live around themselves.
  2. Excessive drinkers. I'm not saying alcoholic (although I know they would certainly fall into that category) but I'm pretty much a tea-totler (spelling help there anyone?) and anybody that has to have a few to relax wouldn't last with me.
  3. Excessive preachers/prayers. I'm sure I'm just about to alienate some readers (wow, only 4 posts. And I even refrained from dropping Mr. F-bomb!) but I'm not religious. Some would even call me anti-religion, at least in the organized way. Can't handle it and can't take people who do very seriously.
  4. They have to make me laugh, and I have to make them laugh. I learned the very hard way how crucial this is.
  5. They have to handle someone with a big, close family. 'Cause baby, that's me! Don't believe me? Ask my sister's husband. He's still in shock and it's been over 16 years.
  6. Can't be opposed to living with cats. Because I've had a cat in my house my entire life and if I gotta choose between my cat or a guy, Mr. Man is really, REALLY going to have to make a compelling argument! (The cat doesn't have to make their argument. Cats are inherently cool.)
  7. Physically? Though this may fall into the "goes without saying" category, they can't be horrifically obese or so covered in hair on all parts of the body as to resemble an angora rabbit. (shudder...)
I think that's it? I know I'll get an email from my best buddy with additions to this list so it might get an encore listing later. There's one more, but it's not so much a deal breaker as it is a warning for anyone interested in me: you'd better be able to handle a tremendously strong willed lady. Seriously. No, seriously. I'm hell on wheels when I get to rollin! (Again, my best bud will confirm this for anyone who needs it. I'll go into more info on her soon too.)

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